Lately we have been really focusing on making our weekends really count. Rather than spend the whole time doing chores, or a bit more renovating we have been planning fun things to do for at least one of the days.
It's so easy to not bother, especially when we are all usually very very tired from work/school/activities. But we are making the effort before Uni starts to take more of Justin's time, before soccer starts, before Eisteddfod season for dance.
Each weekend we have chosen something fun and usually free or fairly low in cost. We have sunned ourselves on the beach, taken in a museum, eaten ice cream on the foreshore, visited Justin's parents farm. It's been so good.
Friday morning I woke up and wanted to get away.... preferably somewhere that Justin had no phone or internet connection (work phone calls in this house start very very early and finish very late in the evening and we were all ready for some quiet). So a quick decision was made, we sent teh kids off to school and found our camping gear in the garage.
We ventured only 15 mins from home, up into the beautiful Watagan Mountains. But it feels like hours away, no phones, no noise, no computers etc.... lots of books, and naps and walks and generally sitting around doing nothing. It was just what we needed.
We ventured on a small hike and were amazed at the destruction left by the amazing amounts of rain in the last few months, trees were down everywhere, land slides, massive pools of mud and water. It all felt quiet creepy, probably the leeches added to that feeling!! YUK!!
Unfortunately we couldn't get all the way down to the falls, about 200 metres from them the path disappeared under a massive amount of debris,mud and trees.
My Littlest Girl.... in a BIG FORREST!

The Rangers had managed to cut through this giant tree so we could get past.

Yes that is the path.... you can see the first few steps, we made the rest up as we went.

All in all we had a fabbo time, and we will be doing this a little more often at the insistence of the youngest child.
Hope you all had a great weekend.
PS - We took two cars up, mine being a 4WD handled the wet and messy "roads" well.... Justin's on the other hand kind of got seriously bogged on the way home. THANKGOODNESS we weren't left stranded for long, with some very kind and helpful people stopping to help tow his car out. And yes I know I SHOULD have had rope in my car to do it myself!!! lesson learnt.
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