"It's just paper and glue people!!" is a common saying I use all the time. Generally when there is a little princess action happening in the scrapbooking world. It's become something my friends and I just banter about, and what it really means is "get some priority".
Today I was sorting through the MESS of my studio and found some boxes of photo's, the boxes were worse for wear, so I started putting everything in new plastic containers.
As Isifted through the photo's, years of my life were poured out in front of me. Photo's pre-wedding, photo's of the birth of each of our children, all our holidays, first school days, chubby toddler cheeks, random funny photo's the kids had taken.
And it was all so good, just to sit and remember.
Then I got to thinking, that it is MORE than paper and glue. And you know I haven't felt like that in years. It was a job, an obligation another class to teach....... don't get me wrong I LOVE that part too.
But it was good to get my own perspective back, why I started scrapbooking in the first place.
So now I have a little pile of photo's on my desk, just for me, just for my family and I can't WAIT to start.
Happy Happy!!!
Lisa Kate