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Allie Collyer

Oh poor Livinia, it is so hard when their little hearts are sad :( I'm sure that your note cheered her up a bit and she has an awesome Mumma to help her through x

Virginia Hampson aka Wirg

Hi Lisa, I was following some links this evening and landed on your blog. I'd not been for a while so had a bit of a read. Lovely beautiful heart felt reading, thank you. I got a lump in my throat when I read this entry about Livinia. You know you did exactly the same thing I used to do when my Ben was much younger. I quite often surprized him with a note from me in his lunch box or pencil case. It wasn't fun growing up in his first 10 years with his father away so much. It's lovely to read that other mothers do the same things. Much love, Virginia x x

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