This year our Christmas was very very different. It involved just the five of us, in our own home - the WHOLE day!!! It was amazing, a true gift to us.... it was just what we needed.
The decision to have our own Christmas was one that was very difficult to make, we had some external issues that meant we needed to make some changes so that our kids and us would have a wonderful day free of stress, anxiety and hurt.
I am so thankful that my parents wholeheartedly encouraged our need to do things our way this year, I am so appreciative that they were willing to not spend the day with their Grandchildren on Christmas for the first time ever, so that as a family of five we could start to build our own traditions. I can't even begin to express how thankful I am to have the most amazing, encouraging, supportive parents like I do.... they are so selfless in their love for me. I hope to be a parent just like them.
In the spirit of really being present with each other during the day, I didn't have my camera in everyones faces. I did take a very few quick snaps after all the presents had been unwrapped.... but that was it. It felt good to let go of the "scrapbooker and memory writer" and just be a Mum enjoying the day.
The photo's we did get are far from perfect, but neither are we.... and they are who we are, not always in focus, sometimes a little wonky or off colour. But that's ok with me.
I hope that your Christmas Day was full of love and laughter, and you took time to think on the reason we celebrate this precious day, the birth of Jesus.
Lisa x