Pretty much sums up what this kid loves.
OK - he loves more than that, you need to add reading (Mathew Riley is a firm fave), music , history, peanut butter cups, coke zero, wearing layers of jumpers even in summer, soccer, any food made with mince, cheese.... lots of cheese and I'm pretty sure he loves his family too.
Jere turned 15 this week. I'm not quite sure where the time has gone, but I do know that we are so proud of the young man he has become.
He is such an amazing kid who does so much to help me, without him I would have an overgrown lawn, rubbish all over the kitchen, a dishwasher that was never emptied, clothes that were still hanging on the line, a kids bathroom that was a mess and so many other things that fall to him. He does it all, without much complaint. And he loves his sisters too.... see I told you GREAT kid.
We are so proud of him, and can't wait what this year brings.
Love you Jere xx
PS - yes he actually does know Karate, in fact he was graded up to a senior blue belt late last year :)