I'll let you in on a little secret ..... I like doing things myself. I'm not all that good and handing things over for someone else to do. It's not that I think they can't do it (well sometimes it is) it's just I like control.
Self confessed control freak here.
It presents itself in lots of little ways.
Examples include
** my hands don't work so well in the morning. Justin should and would handle any food preparations to do with eggs..... nine times out of ten we end up with broken eggs on the floor, because I want to do it myself.
** I like to work on my own in a gym class, even when we are meant to be paired.
** Can't open a jar?? why ask your son? when you can stab a knife into the top to break the seal and then it opens easily.
** My husband is a VERY capable cook, I have to walk out of the kitchen when he does - or I get a *little* bossy.
** general attitude seems to be I can do it, do it all, in fact I can do it better and don't you dare tell me I can't do something.... hmmmmmmmmm
This week I've been presented with opportunities to learn and grow in this area. It started with my frustration at the building and designing of a new blog, registering domain names, using a provider I had no knowledge base of and not having the time to get it all sorted. I was well aware I was capable but also well aware it would take me a week of frustration.
Fast forward just one day, and I was spending time with my mum. My mum is not a creative soul, and she knows that. It annoys her at times. We were talking about a flyer she had started to design, it wasn't looking so crash hot and Dad took one look and in 5 mins produced a professional looking flyer. Mum didn't become frustrated she just laughed and then she told me that even though she is capable and she COULD have done it herself, it's better to just hand it over to the professionals so to speak.
That same day we went shopping, mum needed to create some cute and quick and easy gift bags for the ladies at her church, and I was the girl to help do shopping of pretty things. We shopped, bought what we needed and I whipped a couple up to show her.... this is the part where I usually tell her I will do it all (all 40 of them) ... this time mum gently reminded me that I didn't need to, other people were willing and capable and even though they wouldn't be the same as if I had done it - they would still be great.
Instert loud clunking sound of penny dropping
I went home, and asked my very talented Web Designing brother for Help.
Asking for help is not weak. It doesn't mean you aren't capable. It means you are humble enough to see someone elses strengths.
Lesson learnt.