Another Brithday in this house, this time for our littlest one. Liv turned
nine, with much excitement. This girl lives for any kind of celebration, wether it's for her or the people she loves, so it's extra special when it is her turn and we get to spoil her.
Her day started a little different as I was in Sydney - it was a huge decision for me to not be there when she woke up and my heart was pretty sad till I spoke to her and heard her excitement as they were about to get in the car and meet me for a day of fun. We headed to the powerhouse museum and she loved all the exhibitions.
The followng day we held a very small celebration with her grandparents and cousin Ruby.... and true to form one hour before everyone came around I decided to make it feel like a real party. I quickly made some cute party bags, popped some popcorn and placed it into some quickly decorated noodle boxes, and added some cute flags to the mini cupcakes.
But the BEST thing I did was make sprinkled rimmed glasses for the pink milk. Whats better is it is super easy to do.
Make a mixture of water and pure icing sugar, it needs to be quite thick and gooey rather than runny.
Dip the rims of your glasses into the mixture, then straight into a bowl of sprinlkles, tap off the exess. If you have time pop the glasses into the fridge till it is time to serve.
Watch the smiles on everyones faces :)
So much fun!!! I love parties.
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